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how to make a girl fatter

How To Make A Girl Fat | Science 2.0
How To Make A Girl Fat | Science 2.0
Americans are trapped in a contradictory cultural schism. If a girl is thin, parents feel they need an intervention. But we're in a war against obese people and politicians are responding to that by banning everything that seems to happen to the legislature. Pressure to be thin can be making girls fat - except in Europe, where the bare women impossible to attractive are on public posters. Are Americans so fat because of too much pressure to be thin? A document by JAMA Pediatrics believes it, and finds that girls who are told by a father, brother, friend, classmate or teacher who are too fat at 10 years ago made them more likely to be obese at age 19. Meanwhile, every epidemiological study being conducted shows that rampant obesity in young people can only be stopped by applying stricter diet options. How do you change a child's diet without implying they're fat? Psychologists looked at 1,213 African American and 1,166 white girls living in northern California, Cincinnati and Washington, D.C., 58 percent of whom said they were too fat at age 10. All girls had their height and weight measured at the beginning of the study and again after nine years. In general, girls labeled with fat were 1.66 times more likely than the other girls were obese at 19, the researchers found. They also found that as the number of people who told a girl that was fat increased, so the probability that she was obese nine years later. "Just being labeled as too fat has a measurable effect almost a decade later. We almost fell off our chairs when we discovered this," said A. Janet Tomiyama, assistant professor of psychology at UCLA, the principal author of the study. "Even after statistically eliminating the effects of their real weight, their income, their race and when they reached puberty, the effect remained. That means it's not just that the heavier girls are called too fat and are still heavy years later; being labeled as too fat is creating an additional probability of being obese. "The main author Janet Tomiyama of UCLA. Credit: University of California - Los Angeles.Co-author Jeffrey Hunger, a graduate student of UC Santa Barbara, said that simply being called fat can lead to behaviors that then result in obesity. "Being labeled as too fat can lead people to personally worry about experiencing the stigma and discrimination faced by overweight individuals, and recent research suggests that experiencing or anticipating weight stigma increases stress and can lead to over-feeding," he said. No connection between food and health improvements In a separate paper published last December, Tomiyama, former professor of psychology at UCLA Traci Mann (now at the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis) and graduated UCLA Britt Ahlstrom analyzed 21 long-term studies on weight loss and health and found no clear relationship between weight loss and health improvements related to hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol and glucose. "We found no connection between the amount of weight loss—no small or large—and any of these health outcomes," said Tomiyama of the study, who appeared in the health section of the journal, Social and Personality Psychology Compass." Everyone assumes that the more weight you lose, the healthier you are, but the lower rates of mortality are actually in overweight people," he said. "In a body mass index of 30, which is labeled obese, there is no higher risk of mortality. This has been shown over and over. The highest mortality rate is for people with low weight. "The results of the research also confirmed the results of a 2007 study in which Tomiyama, Mann and colleagues analyzed 31 long-term studies and found that people can initially lose between 5 and 10 percent of their weight in any number of diets, but most recover all weight, more. Only a small minority, they discovered, sustain their weight loss. "Coming in moderation is a good idea for everyone, and it's also regular exercise," Mann said at the time of the initial study. "If the diet worked, it wouldn't be a $60 billion industry," said Tomiyama, who noted that trying to be thin is similar to trying to be higher. "The genetic power over weight is equal to the power of genes over your height," he said. "People who say it's your fault if you're fat underestimate the role of genes. "Research has shown that separated twins at birth have very similar weights, regardless of the environment in which they grow, Tomiyama said. She recommends focusing on eating healthier and fitness rather than obsessing with weight and strongly opposes stigmatizing people who are overweight. "When people feel bad, they tend to eat more, they don't decide to feed or take a hug," he said. "Making people feel bad for their weight could increase their cortisol hormone levels, which usually leads to weight gain. "The data used in the study comes from the National Institute of Heart, Pulmon and Blood. Press releases from around the world, right to you... CommentsKnow science and want to write? Donate or buy SWAG Please donate so science experts can write for the public. In Science 2.0, scientists are journalists, without political prejudice or editorial control. We You can't do it alone, so please make the difference. We are a non-profit scientific journalism group operating under section 501 (c) (3) of the Code of Internal Revenue More than 300 million people were educated. 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Nutrition20 Small things that make you earn fatThe average person gains from one to two pounds (0.5 to 1 kg) each year (). Although that number seems small, it could match an extra 10 to 20 pounds (4,5 to 9 kg) per decade. Eating healthy and exercising regularly can help prevent this astute weight gain. However, it is often the small things that pack in the pounds. Fortunately, you can take control by changing your habits today. Here are 20 small things that make you fat. 1. Eating quickly In today's world, people are more bustling than ever and tend to eat their meals quickly. Unfortunately, eating quickly might be making you fat. Studies show that people who eat their meals quickly are more likely to have overweight or obese (, , ).This is because it takes time for your body to tell your brain that it is full. Thus, people who eat quickly can easily eat more food than their body needs before feeling full (). If you are a quick dining room, try to decrease consciously chewing and taking smaller bites. You can learn more strategies to stop your consumption. 2. Do not drink enough waterStudies estimate that up to 16-28% of adults are dehydrated, with older people at higher risk (). Not drinking enough water can make you thirsty. Curiously, thirst can be confused as a sign of hunger or eating anguish by the body (). In one study, scientists found that people who drank two cups of law before breakfast ate 22% less calories in that food than people who did not drink water (). Best of all, smooth water has zero calories. Some studies have found that replacing drinks with water sugar can reduce calorie intake by up to 200 calories per day (). If you find boring smooth water, try adding slices of cucumber, lemon or your favorite fruit to add a slice of flavor. 3. Being too socialHaving a social life is important to maintain a happy working balance. However, being too social might be making you fat. Social situations often involve food or alcohol, which can easily add unwanted calories to your diet. In addition, research shows that people tend to eat like the people they are with. So if your friends eat large portions or prefer unhealthy foods, you're more likely to follow the suit (, ).Fortunately, there are things you can do to stay healthy without giving up your social life. You can find smart tips to eat healthy when eating. 4. Feeling too longIn Western countries, the average adult sits for 9 to 11 hours per day (). Although it seems harmless, studies show that people who feel longer are more likely to be overweight. They also have greater risks of chronic diseases and early death (). For example, an analysis of six studies of nearly 600,000 people found that adults who sat for more than 10 hours a day, such as the average office worker, were at a 34% higher risk of early death (). Curiously, studies have also found that people who feel the longest do not seem to compensate for the time they spent sitting with exercise (, ).If your work involves sitting for long intervals, be sure to exercise before work, during lunch or after work sometimes per week. You can also try using a . 5. Do not have enough sleep More than a third of Americans do not sleep enough (). Unfortunately, the lack of sleep is strongly linked to weight gain. This is due to many factors, including hormonal changes and a lack of motivation for exercise (). In a study, scientists analyzed the sleeping habits of more than 68,000 women for 16 years. They found that women who slept less than 5 hours per night had a much higher risk of gaining weight than people who slept 7 hours or more (). What's worse, people who don't sleep enough are more likely to gain fat from the belly or visceral fat. Taking more visceral fat is linked to a higher risk of harmful diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes (, ).If you are struggling to fall asleep, you can find useful tips to help you sleep faster. 6. Do not have time to relax Many people have busy lives and never have time for themselves. Sadly, not having time to relax could make you feel constantly stressed and gain some fat. Studies show that constant stress is linked to abdominal fat. It seems that this stress makes people unconsciously yearn for unhealthy "food of comfort" to relieve stress and make them feel better (). It is a great alternative to dealing with stress. A review of 47 studies of more than 3,500 people showed that meditation helped relieve stress and anxiety (). Apart from meditation, you can also try yoga, cut caffeine and practice mental care to help relieve stress. 7. Eating from large plates and bowls The size of your dishes and bowls could have a significant impact on your waist. In an analysis of 72 studies, scientists found that people ate more food when served on dishes and bowls bigger than smaller dishes and bowls without even realizing it. On average, people who ate from the largest mandrel consumed 16% more calories per meal (). In addition, another study found that even nutrition experts unconsciously ate 31% more ice cream when provided with larger bowls (). This happens because larger plates can make a portion of food look smaller than it is. This fools your brain to think you haven't eaten enough food. Simply changing to a smaller table material can help you eat less food without feeling hungry. 8. Eating in front of television People often eat while watching TV, browsing the Internet or reading the newspaper. However, eating while distracted can make you eat more food. A review of 24 studies found that people ate more food during a meal when they were distracted (). Curiously, those who ate while distracting also ate significantly more food later in the day. This may be because they didn't realize how much food they ate during the meal. While you are eating, aim to remove all distractions and focus on your food. This is known and helps to make eating a more pleasant and conscious experience (). 9. Drinking your calories Drinking fruit juices, soda and other drinks might be making you gain fat. Your brain is not recorded in the same way that it records calories from food, which means you are likely to be eating more food later (). In a study, 40 people consumed 300 calories of whole apples, apple or apple purées with their food in six different moments. Scientists found whole apples more full, while apple juice was the less filling (). Get your calories from whole foods instead of drinks. Complete foods take longer to chew and swallow, which means your brain has more time to process hunger signals. 10. Do not eat enough protein A lack of protein in your diet might be making you gain fat. This important nutrient can help you stay more full for longer while eating less food (). Protein tells the body to make more full-floor hormones like the YY, GIP and GLP-1 peptide. It also tells the body to make less hunger hormones such as ghrelina (, ). Studies have also shown that a higher protein diet can help increase your metabolism and preserve muscle mass — two important factors to maintain a healthy weight (, ).To increase protein intake, try to eat more protein-rich foods such as eggs, meats, fish, tofu and lentils. You can find more delicious protein foods. 11. Do not eat enough fiber A lack of fiber in your diet might be making you gain fat. This is because fiber helps control your appetite to keep it more full for longer (, , ).A study showed that eating 14 additional grams of fiber per day can decrease your calorie consumption by up to 10%. This could lead to a loss of up to 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg) for four months (). Apart from appetite, the effects of fiber on weight loss are controversial. However, the fact that the fiber is filling can help protect your waist. You can eat more vegetables, especially beans and vegetables. Alternatively, you can try to take a soluble fiber supplement like glucomanano. 12. Take the elevator instead of the stairsIf you take the elevator instead of the stairs at work, you are losing in an easy training. Research shows that you burn 8 calories for every 20 steps you ascend. While 8 calories may seem insignificant, you can easily add up to a hundred extra calories per day if you travel often between many floors (). In addition, studies show that people who take the stairs have improved the overall fitness and better health of the heart and brain (, , ).What else, the research shows that taking the stairs can be faster than taking the elevator if you factor in the waiting time (). 13. Not having healthy snakes HandyHunger is one of the biggest reasons why people gain weight. When people are hungry, they are more likely to eat larger portions of food. In addition, hunger can increase your cravings for unhealthy foods (, , ).Having healthy snacks can help fight hunger and stop your cravings for unhealthy foods. Just remember to keep your portion sizes in the meals on check. Otherwise, eating too many healthy snacks along with large meals can still affect your waist. You can find many delicious healthy snack ideas. 14. Eating too healthy Fats such as avocado, coconut oil and olive oil are an important part of a healthy diet. Unfortunately, "have too much of something good" also applies to healthy fats. That's because healthy fats are also high in calories. For example, a single spoonful of olive oil contains 119 calories. If you add multiple tablespoons of oil to your meals, calories can increase quickly (). Although healthy fats are high in calories, they are nutritious and should not be avoided. Instead, it intends to get most of the fat in its entire food diet such as salmon and avocado. These foods are more full than oils alone. In addition, it aims to eat a good balance of healthy fats, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. This should naturally balance your diet and lower your daily calorie intake. 15. Shopping Without a list of products from the industryThe blocking without a food list could be making you gain fat. Not only a shopping list can help you save money, but it can also stop you from making impulse purchases, which are often unhealthy. In fact, several studies have found that people who buy with a list of grocery foods are more likely to eat healthier, take less weight and save more money (, ). Here are some tips to make a list of groceries: 16. Drinking too many milky coffeesMore than 60% of Americans drink coffee daily (). This popular drink is not only energizing, but it is also loaded with antioxidants and beneficial nutrients. However, research shows that more than two thirds of Americans add cream, sugar, milk and other additives to their, which can make it unhealthy. This means that your coffee habit could contribute to fat gain (). For example, a Starbucks milk coffee has 204 calories. Making a change to black coffee can provide you with the same caffeine stroke without the extra calories (, ) 17. Do not eat enough fruits and vegetablesMore than 1 in 10 Americans comply with the recommendations for eating fruits and vegetables (). This is probably a great reason why 70% of Americans are overweight or obese (). Not only are fruits and vegetables loaded with beneficial nutrients, but they are also quite low in calories, which is great for their waist (). Many studies have also shown that people who and fruits are more likely to be in a healthier weight (, ).If you find it difficult to eat your fruits and vegetables, here are some helpful tips: 18. Using Too Much Dress A single portion of salad dress can contain more calories than the whole salad. For example, common salad dressings such as rancho, bleu cheese and Caesar dressings contain between 130 to 180 calories per standard serving (, , ).To put this in perspective, it would take 30 minutes to walk at a moderate rate to burn only salad dressing (). Instead, try to cut salad dressings as much as possible, as they can easily add calories to your diet. Or even better, choose a low-calorie salad dressing as a vinegar. 19. Having irregular food time While delaying a meal every time it is not harmful, eating constantly in irregular moments can be harmful to your health and waist. In a study of 11 people, scientists found that people who had regular food time felt less hungry before a meal and more full after a meal. This means that people with irregular food schedules can feel more hungry and eat more food (). Most worrying is that people who have irregular food schedules have a higher risk of chronic illness. This includes metabolic syndrome, heart disease, insulin resistance and poor blood sugar control (, ).In theory, irregular food hours can promote these harmful effects by affecting your body's internal clock. This internal watch helps regular processes such as appetite, metabolism and digestion, so irregular feeding can interrupt your rhythm (, , , ) 20. Not eating healthy at weekendPeople often find it easier to eat healthy during the week because they usually have a daily routine with their work and life commitments. On the contrary, weekends tend to have less structure. In addition, people may be around more unhealthy temptations, which can lead to weight gain. In a study, scientists observed the diet and exercise habits of 48 people. They found that people gained weight on weekends, as they ate more food and were less active (). Fortunately, you also have more time on weekends to go outdoors and exercise. In addition, you can avoid temptation by removing unhealthy food from the house. The bottom line There are many small things that can make you fat. However, you can make lifestyle changes today to explain them. By following only some of the tips in this article, you can make sure you get the most out of your healthy diet and exercise routine and avoid sabotaging it by accident. Read this now.

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